Send your pictures from our time at Swarthmore or links to such pictures on-line to Here are a couple of pictures from our yearbook - "Halcyon '71." This is the award-winning* short film NÖS TÊTS, a MarkBold FranWat Production. It's a cautionary tale, set on a certain idyllic college campus, depicting the horrors of authoritarianism run amok. (*The film won 2nd prize in the student film festival our junior year.)
I had a very minor acting? role in this classic (second only, perhaps, to Plan Nine From Outer Space?).
I recall much intrigue concerning the title, which was thought to be perhaps from Ancient French,
until the identity of the villain was revealed at the exciting conclusion.
David Inouye found this among old papers. (Some or all of these rules seem to have vanished by the time our class started.) |