Home 1971 Classmates 50th
Contacts & Information

So our class was part of the *Make-up* 50th Reunion with the classes of 1970 and 1972. (See picture below.)

Check out the Swarthmore1971 YouTube collection of videos recorded from the reunion.

And you can join our private Swarthmore College Class of 1971 Facebook group for other information.


Below is one of the pictures from our 45th reunion.
Click on the picture to see more about this 2016 event.

Here is an interview at the Guinness World Records office in New York
with our classmate Lynn West Salvo, who had just set the record for
"Oldest person to cross America by bicycle (female)" at the age of 67.

You can also view the documentary that Lynn made following her record-setting ride. Here she looks at the challenges and resolution in setting the record. (And here's a slightly shorter video about her ride. )

T-shirt cartoon by Dan Wasserman
Items posted here on our website include
notes from our 45th Reunion,
photos from our 40th Reunion, and
a list of concerts that were held on campus
during our years as students.

What else should we be doing with this website?
Let us know at bobabrahams@yahoo.com

Don Mizell '71 won the Grammy Award for 2005 Album of the Year as a producer of the Ray Charles album Genius Loves Company. At a special presentation at the Black Cultural Center during the Sesquicentennial All-Alumni Reunion Weekend in early June, 2014, Don presented his Grammy to the College for the Black Cultural Center. In his presentation, Don explained why he feels that he would not have won the Grammy had it not been for the College. Click on the picture below to see the presentation.

Ken Giles '71, music teacher at Shepherd Elementary School in Washington, D.C., helped create this concert: